Drag your input file here.
Restoring Solid session - press 'esc' to cancel polygon class="st2" points="691.4,812.5 518.1,677.6 556.5,677.6 "/>

Restoring Solid session - press esc or click here to cancel

Request GitHub Action workflow:

Click on "Run workflow" to ask the GitHub API to run the above workflow for you, using the input configuration specified below. Your encoding will be reloaded in its latest version once the workflow run completes.

Open Web-hosted encoding by URL

Please choose from the public repertoire or enter the URL of a Web-hosted music encoding, below. Note: Host server must support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).

Public repertoire

We welcome proposals for additions to the public repertoire.

Fork Github Repository

The link you have followed will create a GitHub fork of the following repository for editing in mei-friend:

Is this OK?

Fork Github Repository

Please choose from the public repertoire or enter the Github (user or organization) name and the repository name of a Github-hosted repository, below. Your forked repository will become available from the Github menu.

Public repertoire

We welcome proposals for additions to the public repertoire .

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